About Our School

What Makes Us Special
Rincon emphasizes global thinking, problem-solving and academic writing. Teachers encourage students to be collaborative, advocate for themselves and to celebrate diversity.

Rincon's rigorous academic standards and wide variety of classes prepare graduates for the future. The school offers dynamic fine arts courses, career and technical education classes and Advanced Placement courses in 15 subjects. Teachers and administrators develop an "educational family" of instructors, classmates and tutors for each Rincon Ranger to provide support throughout the high school experience.

Sharing a campus and extracurricular programs with University High School, Rincon is also home to the award-winning Rincon University High School Band.


School News & Awards 2022-23
Congratulations to our very own Ranger faculty member, Ms. Alyson Cartwright, for being selected as the "Tucson Teacher of the Month" by Tucson Values Teachers!

Ms. Cartwright teaches Chemistry and AVID at Rincon and serves as a teacher tech-facilitator. She came to us from the science field where she was a practicing scientist in the industry, known for her work developing mining software. Ms. Cartwright takes advantage of every opportunity she is given to help her students and encourage their learning. She also supports staff members, new and veteran alike, serving as a mentor and confidant. Ms. Cartwright can often be found in her room before school, during her lunch break, and afterschool working with students. She and her husband, on top of being parents, dedicate their time to an extracurricular coding club to help interested students learn about computer coding. Ms. Cartwright also spends extra time planning guest speakers and field trips to help her students foster a passion for learning through meaningful experiences. 
We thank her for her dedication and service to Rincon. Congratulations, Ms. Cartwright! Ranger Nation is so very proud of you.
520 Sports Talk Student Athlete Award
Congratulations to Ranger basketball player, Jaydon Moore, for being selected as the 520 Sports Talk student-athlete of the season. Jaydon was selected for this award for being a top-notch student of character on top of his athletic accomplishments. Thank you to Jaydon for being such a positive role-model, representing Rincon High School so well. We are proud of you and your accomplishments!
RUHS Band: 2nd Place at the AZMBA Championship
Congratulations to the members and leadership of the RUHS band for being the state championship runners-up this year. We are so proud of your hard work and dedication!
CONGRATULATIONS Ms. Damiani and our AMAZING yearbook staff! The Rincon yearbook from 2022 received FIRST PLACE Entourage Yearbook ’s 2022 National Yearbook Contest!!! This is not easy task. Many people don’t realize the countless hours and effort it takes to create a great yearbook like we are accustomed to receiving at Rincon. Way to go!